Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It’s no surprise that this year has shaken things up for everyone. It has put people out of jobs, separated families, and caused the world to go into a frenzy. If there is one thing Dance Marathon can learn from our kids and their families, it’s how to approach our battles with resilience. Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust to misfortune or change, so that’s what we are going to do. As Dance Marathon 27, we will join the fight against pediatric cancer and Rise With Resilience.  

We, as a Dance Marathon 27 family, would like to introduce our 2020 campaign: Rise With Resilience. We asked the Executive Director, Elizabeth Jackson, of Dance Marathon 27 to provide insight on what the campaign stands for throughout the Dance Marathon community. She stated, “Right now, the world is sharing a collective experience, though it looks very different to each of us. As we all embrace the obstacles and challenges presented, resilience serves as a reminder to remain optimistic about the future. Rise with Resilience is a reflection of Dance Marathon's collective support behind not only the families that are so close to us, but the healthcare workers and supporters in their entirety that create the Dance Marathon community. Though this time is full of uncertainties, one thing that remains constant is that these kids cannot wait. Rise with Resilience is a call to action to join this network of support at a time when positive connection is so critical to each of us.”  

These kids have faced challenge after challenge. From the initial diagnosis to the numerous treatments, these kids have been pushed around and the families have dealt with grief and fear, but with every challenge they show the world how to be strong, courageous, and resilient. This pandemic that we’ve all faced has caused schools and offices to be put on pause, but that doesn’t apply to cancer. As many of us have complained about being trapped at home, there are children battling this terrifying disease in a hospital room, with limited visitors, wishing to have that same opportunity of being in their homes. The fight doesn’t stop, and neither will we.  

Throughout this year, we will rise with resilience coming up with new ways to raise money, new ways to connect with our families, and new ways to support the children whose biggest battle is not being bored while stuck at home. We will rise to advocate for them. We will rise for miracles. We will rise for those who can’t. We will rise with resilience to fight with the kids who live their lives with resilience.

The Executive Director of Dance Marathon 27 states, “As Dance Marathon 27: We. Will. Rise. Ask yourself today, who will you rise for? Why will you rise? How can you help in the fight against pediatric cancer? Then do it. Do you part and become a member of Dance Marathon 27. Join us today by registering, donating, and together (dancers, families, and all) we will rise with resilience.”

By: Makenna Mumm and Parker Georlett, Public Relations Committee, DM 27