Dance Marathon is a year round student run organization that works to support cancer patients being treated at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Dance Marathon volunteers work year round to raise funds to support the kiddos and their entire family. Dance Marathon culminates with a 24-hour Big Event in February. The Big Event is a tribute to the fight these children face daily against pediatric cancer.

How do I get involved? What can I do?

You can start by registering for Dance Marathon today! Traditionally, most people sign up as a dancer in their first year in DM. When registering for Dance Marathon you will pick a Miracle Group. Your group will have a Morale Captain and Lime Captain that will provide fundraising resources, plan social activities to form connections, and keep you informed of events happening within the organization. To attend the DM30 Big Event this year, dancers must raise $300 with a $30 registration fee. If you need financial assistance to register, there is an opportunity to apply for our UI Dance Marathon Registration Fee Waiver Program. You can view the program guidelines here.  If you are interested, there are many ways to get more involved on our UIDM leadership team. You can become a Family Representative, a Committee member on one of our numerous committees, a Chairperson, or even a member of the Executive Council!

What if I don't know anyone in Dance Marathon?

Not a problem! Your Morale Captain and Lime Captain will help you become more involved in the organization and meet new students leading up to the Big Event! Or, even better, invite all of your friends to sign up to participate with you!

What leadership opportunities are there?

There are over 200 leadership opportunities within Dance Marathon. From being a Morale Captain, on the Business committee, or a part of Family Relations, there is a place for everyone! Leadership is selected for the next year right after the Big Event in February, so watch our website for information to apply! This year, committee member applications will open back up in the fall, so keep an eye out for this opportunity!

How do I raise my money?

There are many ways to raise your money – canning downtown or at sporting events, writing letters to family members asking for donations, or participating in different volunteering opportunities around campus. Make sure to take advantage of our online giving system as well! You can email friends and family and ask them to visit your own online giving page. This means you can raise your money without even getting out of your chair! For more information on money raising tips, visit our fundraising page.

I'm a terrible dancer! Why would I want to be a part of Dance Marathon?

To start off, there is a LOT more to Dance Marathon than just dancing! Aside from that, no one cares what you look like dancing or what kind of moves you have because everyone is there in support of the UIDM kiddos and families! Everything we do is for the cause and to show our support for the families. Dancing is not the only thing that goes on at the Big Event, as there are many different kinds of entertainment, including live bands, games, prizes, family stories, meeting new people, and so much more!

Do I have to dance for 24 hours?

Only if you are able! We have an accommodations room at the Big Event for those that need additional support during the 24-hour period. We encourage everyone of every ability level to participate in Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon is an incredible experience that is hard to put into words until you experience it for yourself! During the 24 hours of the Big Event, you will experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but it is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences you will be a part of. The Big Event closes with Power Hour, a very high-energy dance party that celebrates our year. 

Isn't Dance Marathon just one day a year?

Definitely not. Dance Marathon is most known for the Big Event in February, but the organization is busy with activities YEAR ROUND. Throughout the year, Dance Marathon hosts family events, social gatherings, and fundraising activities. You will get out of Dance Marathon what you put into it. You can be as involved as you like! Visit our calendar to learn more about what is currently going on.

Who are the families that Dance Marathon supports?

Dance Marathon specializes in supporting pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant patients. We support three types of families: the families of the children who are currently battling pediatric cancer on Level 11 of University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, the families of kiddos who have won their fight against pediatric cancer, and the families of the kiddos who are forever Dancing in Our Hearts. Learn more about our families here.

How do I paint a family pillowcase?

Information on painting pillowcases can be found here!