Year: 2005
Amount Raised: $579,214.11

Following up a great 10th year anniversary, DM11 was a year of changes and a look toward the future of the organization with regard to structure and sustainability. Our goal was to prepare Dance Marathon to grow and be able to serve families and students in the years to come.

We changed up the Executive Council moving from 15 members down to 11 while adding numerous dedicated chairs under each Exec role that would focus on specific tasks. We also enhanced the structure of the Allocations Committee to include input from an alumni and a Dance Marathon family representative.  

As the number of families involved in the organization continued to grow, we examined services and sustainability of our patient support programs and began to implement necessary changes so we could continue providing important support to families at various phases of their journey.

We had a new advisor, Kelley Ashby, who did a great job of learning the organization and providing new insight. The organization was audited by the university, receiving high marks for our commitment to excellence and dedication to a healthy internal control environment. We even had a new electric candle after the fire marshal decided we probably shouldn’t have an open flame in a very crowded space! While the final toteboard may have been lower than we would have liked, the participants from DM11 are proud of their important role in moving the organization forward!

A few more highlights from the year worth mentioning - we participated in Herky on Parade, having our very own “Dancer Herky” located outside the IMU.  We hosted fun social events including Dance Marathon Formal, Battle of the Bands and a Dance Marathon Celebration and Silent Auction. Our family events included:

  • Planet X (Spring)
  • Adventureland with ISU DM (Summer)
  • Bloomsbury Farms (Fall)
  • Iowa Children’s Museum (Winter)
  • Iowa Women’s Basketball game (Winter)

DM 11 Morale Dance Lyrics

Ready, Steady, Go!
High Fives in ‘05
It feels like somethin’s heatin’ up in the IMU,
I don’t know what I’m thinking ‘bout dancing all night through.
DM11, I’m lovin’ it.

Want some fries with that shake? Supersize this.
Oochiwooga boogadoo, lets go down to funkytown.
Skinnamarinky dinky dink, skinnamarinky doo,
Families we love you.

Come back Dancer Herky, you forgot your shoe!
Red to ped, blue to bed, ahhhhhhhhhhhh Cambus
This is not our stop.
Sit boy, Bad Dog Bad Dog!

I got 99 problems, but dancin’ ain’t one,
So lets work together to get ‘er done.
Pop pop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is.
Everybody dance now.


Have you seen my stapler?
Put your left foot in, put your left foot out,
DM kids are what its all about.
Where there’s a helpful smile for every child.

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes.
Oh oh oh oh oh hangin’ tough.
Herky is my homeboy. Stop, Hammertime.

Life gave ‘em lemons, help kids make lemonade.
A dream for every child, a dance for every heart.
Creating tomorrow, by dancing today, U of I Dance Marathon.