Dance Marathon 30
Year: 2024
Amount Raised: $1,454,929.30

Being an anniversary year, Dance Marathon 30 set out to celebrate the past 29 years of Dance Marathon while setting the organization up for the future. Over the summer, members of the Executive Team traveled to St. Louis to attend the Dance Marathon Leadership Conference. While there, we competed against other collegiate Dance Marathon programs in the annual Love’s Case Study Competition and presented about engagement, recruitment, and fundraising challenges within our program post-pandemic and our solutions for them moving forward. UIDM placed 1st in the competition and left the conference with an additional $5,000 sponsorship from Love’s Travel Stops.
In the fall, UIDM combined our annual DM After Dark and Campaign Release events to create one awesome night for many members. Here, we announced our campaign for the year of “Build Lasting Legacies”, focused on highlighting legacies left by those before us while also prioritizing building legacies in our efforts throughout the year.
We kicked off these efforts by hosting a Dancer Matching Day to help support dancers’ fundraising efforts in late September with a goal of raising $15K in the day. We ended up raising nearly $50K on this day, highlighting the excitement that dancers had about UIDM early on in the year. We also hosted a successful Day to DM in early November, raising $253,695.30 in just 24 hours.
Dance Marathon 30 planned and executed UIDM’s first ever gala, titled “Together Toward Tomorrow”. This event brought together UIDM members past and present, sponsors, campus and community partners, families, and more for a night of celebrating UIDM and continuing to give to the cause. With nearly 200 attendees, the auctioning off of “Space Herky”, and an exciting game of Family Feud with Sponsors versus Hospital Staff, the night kicked off a wonderful annual tradition.
Finally, our 30th Big Event drew in alumni to help celebrate Mary Peterson, UIDM’s founding advisor. In addition to many alumni, DM30 had the most registrants since pre-COVID. With a tote board of $1,454,929.30, Dance Marathon 30 revealed UIDM’s first tote board increase in six years and the highest percent increase in over 15 years. Setting a foundation for continued growth in the future, Dance Marathon 30 built lasting legacies.
Sushma Santhana, Dance Marathon 30 Executive Director