“UI Dance Marathon 29 Big Event”
IOWA CITY, IA — On February 3rd and 4th, the University of Iowa Dance Marathon will have its annual Big Event. The event will take place from 7:00 PM Friday to 7:00 PM Saturday.
This year's Big Event is a highly anticipated and inspirational annual event that celebrates dancers, leadership, and the community for everything they have done during the year for the 1000+ families treated at University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital that UI Dance Marathon supports financially and emotionally.
We are excited to welcome back our in-person event this year at the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU). We will have all our beloved Big Event traditions such as Short Hair Don’t Care, a fundraising power hour, family speakers, kiddo graduation, the kiddo talent show, fundraising incentives throughout the day, the tote board reveal, and much more throughout the IMU. In addition, there will be some aspects remaining from the virtual format from previous years including a livestream of the event.
Look out for more information and announcements regarding this day on our website and social media platforms.
For more information or to make a donation, please press the ‘Donate’ button at the top of the page or email Megan Ballard at
Creating Tomorrow By Dancing Today,
DM29 Executive Council