Olivia Van Fosson-Roelfs, a senior from Newton, Iowa, has been involved in Dance Marathon for four years and currently serves as the Hospitality Director.
Why did you want to get involved in Dance Marathon?
I had seen friends from my hometown involved and knew this would be something that would benefit my time at the University of Iowa! It involved a lot of my favorite things: involvement, leadership, dancing, kiddos, and making a lasting impact.
What impact has Dance Marathon made on your life?
Dance Marathon impacts me daily. I hear and see stories of families and am reminded to enjoy my life and what I have, because you never know when it might change. I am reminded that everyone deserves the most in life, and if I am to, I should fight for the change.
What message would you share with current UI dancers?
I would share that while it may feel daunting to ask for money, be awake for 24 hours, and join the largest student organization on campus, you are doing the most for someone who needs it. Your dedication to this community does not go unnoticed, and you will be so proud to have been part of this community and environment.
What message would you share with families and children who benefit from Dance Marathon?
You all are amazing and deserving of all the love in the world! Your constant support and willingness to find new ways to help this organization succeed and thrive is deeply appreciated. The strength in sharing your stories and the love for Dance Marathon is more impactful than you can imagine. I am so glad I spent all four years supporting you and your family.